Saturday, January 3, 2009

Equal Rights Equal Fights

I'm so fucking happy right now. This new year is going smashingly. I've got the right attitude and I'm looking forward. Aint nuthin bringin me down.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


It's a new year and I know already that its going to be one filled with changes. As the ball dropped and the clock clicked over, I looked onward with fear. It is daunting to face a new 365 days to try and make things work with so many changes in place. But as I sit here now, I look onward with hope. This year, I am finally realizing, through the help of the most beautiful people, that I need to start working for me and not worrying about how selfish that is. Before I can truly be at peace with other people and with the world around me, I need to find peace with myself. So this year, I'm going to take the time I should have allocated before and decide I want to be and who I am going to be. I'm going to control my destiny, but I'm going to do so carefully and be sure in all my opinions. A lot of who I am is going to be the same, but with more conviction and with more honesty. From this day and this year onward, I will stop concerning myself so much with other people and put myself first. I know the people that matter most will still be there anyway and I know that no matter how much time I have to take or how far I have to separate myself, those people will still be there when I need them.

So here is to a new year and to new beginnings. Here's to old friends, new friends, new faces, and new places. It's a time of great beginnings in my life and it's time for me to set myself straight so I can meet those new beginnings with the best of me. Thank you all for 2008. I am now standing optimistically on the edge of 2009 and I promise that good will come out of it.