Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Shit dog!

I got called back for Scrooge and Christmas Present... I'm so excited! But so nervous. I'm up against two of my best friends for Scrooge and its crazy. I hope no one is mad if one of us gets it. Crazy crazy. I've been working on the parts though, I'm feeling pretty confident. I really like my Scrooge monologue, except for the "Ah!" I gotta make something out of it. I feel like I'm using accents too, gotta watch that.

I'm crazy nervous, its all I can think about. YAHYAHSDFYEDAFHSDK SDHG!

1 comment:

matzi1110 said...

yea the AH!
i like dropped that line almost. like i said it but i was very unsure about how to go about it.